
Introduction to Neapolitan and Augmented Sixth Chords

112 Introduction to the Neapolitan Chord

The Theory of the Neapolitan Chord

  • The Neapolitan chord is a major triad whose root is the lowered supertonic. The solfege syllables of the chord are ra, fa, and le.
  • However, since it appears in first inversion, we usually describe the solfege of the Neapolitan chord as fa-le-ra.
    • For this reason, the Neapolitan chord is sometimes called the “Neapolitan sixth.”
  • Therefore, if you suspect you have heard a Neapolitan chord in a harmonic dictation, listen out for fa in the bass.
  • It is acceptable to spell the chord analysis as N6 or as ♭II6.
  • Function: the Neapolitan chord precedes the dominant, often substituting for IV, iv, ii6, or ii06. It most commonly appears in minor keys, though it is possible for it to appear in major keys also.

In Context – Harmonic Dictation

Example 1


  • In example 1, notice fa in the bass, plus the telltale ra in the soprano voice. That’s how we know this isn’t chord iv or ii06.
  • For voice-leading reasons, it’s quite common for i6/4 to come between the Neapolitan chord and the dominant. (You’ll recall that i6/4 has dominant function.) In example 2, adding i6/4 between the Neapolitan chord and V7 means the soprano doesn’t have to sing ra-ti, which many singers find awkward.


Example 2


In Context – Singing

  • Practice singing the following exercises in a variety of key signatures until you feel comfortable building a Neapolitan chord from any given tonic.
  • You may be asked in a sight singing exam to sing Neapolitan chord, so take steps to become adept at this now. You will be given a tonic triad, then asked to find fa-le-ra.
  • Learning to sing the Neapolitan chord isn’t necessarily intuitive, but as with all sight singing concepts, a step-by-step learning process will help you audiate the notes you need to sing while remembering the key center where you’ve just been. The three-step method below helps you navigate around the tones of the tonic triad so that you can find stepping-stones to the Neapolitan chord. Practice methods 1 and 2 repeatedly until you can confidently perform method 3.


Finding the Neapolitan Chord: Method 1



Finding the Neapolitan Chord: Method 2



Finding the Neapolitan Chord: Method 3





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