64 Nuclear fuel cycle overview
Some of this is a little dated, and perspectives might have changed.
- Atoms for peace
- Pandora’s promise
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- MIT Study: The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (This was a big deal when it came out.)
- The Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle-Reprocessing
- Nuclear Security & Safeguards Education Portal
- The Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle:Disposal:DOE Yucca Mountain Video
- Advanced Nuclear Power Systems for Long-term Energy and Climate Security – ANU Lecture
- The Nuclear Fuel Cycle and North Korea: How did North Korea Develop its Nuclear Capacity?(Highly recommended. I know the speaker.)
- Exelon shutting down Clinton and Cordova nuclear plants
- Closure threat looms over Oswego County’s Nine Mile 1 nuclear reactor
- Shutdown battle: A tale of 2 nuclear power plants Fitzpatrick has since been saved.
- Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Closure Approved
- Diablo Canyon Closure
- Communities react to proposed Fort Calhoun Power Plant closure
- Chernobyl and Hanford – “A Tale of Two Cities” Lecture
- UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering weekly Colloquium
- Pandora’s Promise Tour – Nuclear Communication -by Robert Stone
- Basic principles of operation of nuclear power plants
- The Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment