
H5P activities list

This book includes 25 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1TestMultiple Choice
2Pie chart showing how students of color identified in a recent survey.Chart
3Summary QuizInteractive Video
4History of Moscow, IdahoSort the Paragraphs
5Black Students at the University of IdahoInteractive Book
6Moscow: A Sundown Town?Agamotto
7The Second Black/African American StudentInteractive Book
8Summary to Part 1 "Beginnings"Fill in the Blanks
10Black Student AthletesAgamotto
11Black Student AthletesTimeline
12Blacks in Legal Studies and Military Service: Reginald ReevesInteractive Book
13Black Greek LifeInteractive Book
14Black StudiesInteractive Book
15Black Student UnionInteractive Book
16Prominent Black Faculty and FriendsInteractive Book
17BSU to BASA to RAACE to BSU againInteractive Book
18Black StudentsQuestion Set
19Black Faculty, Staff, and AdministrationCourse Presentation
20Five StagesIframe Embedder
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